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Revamp + Christmas Break Plans!

Hi people. I'm baaacckkk! 🤗

Welp. I'm in Alaska right now, getting some good old secondary education at a vocational boarding school in the interior of my ole' skool home state. Yep, major change of plans. I decided at the last minute, You know what, YOLO. I'm going back to Alaska while I still have the chance. And so far it's been a great decision, and I'm happy with where I am right now.

You might also notice the new blog. Yeah, the old Weebly one really wasn't doing what I wanted it to, and I just decided to change platforms. I still refuse to pay for my own URL, so it's still gonna be the cheapy version, but I think that Wix will be a lot smoother and will have more of the features that I'm looking for, INCLUDING GIFs. A little known fact you might only know if you and I text back and forth, but I am an extreme GIF enthusiast, if you hadn't already guessed by the lovely Moriarty one featured above. Buckle up people, now that I have this feature it will never not be used.

But yeah, if you made it here from the old one, thank you for sticking with me! I didn't want to get rid of the old blog posts, so I'm leaving the old blog there as a sort of archive, just an FYI.

Okay, on to the exciting stuff. I'm in Alaska now, which means I'll be "vacationing" down at da other home in California for 3 weeks with the fam at Christmas break. I'm SO excited and am already counting the days. This also means that I'll *hopefully* blog the ish out of the whole trip.

When I first got my Christmas tickets, my compulsive self immediately began assembling/creating an itinerary of sorts: stuff I wanted to do on my Christmas break. I sent it to my mom, and I decided I also should post it on my blog, just for kicks. If nothing else, y'all can look back at it and say How much of this stuff did Victoria actually get accomplished? Here it is:

- Go to San Francisco (Ferry over, Union Square, FIsherman's Wharf)

- Make eye contact with LeBron James (Yep, I'm finally gonna see him live. More on that below!)

- Get a second ear piercing

- Swim in Tomales Bay at least once

- Go to the beach as much as I can

- Two words: Star Wars. Holy crap I'm lowkey stressed about what's going to happen in TLJ.

- Take a ton of pictures, hopefully some live updating on Instagram

- Get a pedicure

- Take my dog everywhere with me

Yes, My dad and I got tickets to go see the Cavs; it'll the first time I will be seeing them play. As you all know, I'm a born and bred Cleveland fan; it's in my blood. I'm always in Oh!o in the summertime, so I get to go to baseball games, but basketball is always over by the time we get there. I'm gonna see them on the road, which I think will be a pretty cool thing. My team could have been in our area at any time during the season, but just by luck they happen to be there when I'm coming for Christmas. I mean, come on. This is a chance that is not to be passed up ever. Being a Cavaliers fan in the Bay Area is always an *interesting* experience, but I'm always down to trashtalk the Warriors, so it isn't much of a problem. Anyway, I am beyond excited, It's definitely gonna be a highlight.

So that's my update. Like I said, I'm realllly going to try and take advantage of this Christmas vacation for good blog material, so please stay tuned!

xx Victoria ♡

Here's some pictures that I've taken up here in Alaska.

Before the river froze up

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